May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and the RMA showed their support in several ways. First, we sponsored Mental Health 101, a virtual program for students in Middle and High School, to teach them about managing their mental hygiene and supporting others. Students from Ramsey and surrounding areas, such as Lyndhurst and Mahwah, participated in this program, which was delivered by the Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute.
The Alliance sponsored a program from Attitudes in Reverse (AIR) which brought therapy dogs to the students at Hubbard school to meet with students. The event was very exciting for the students and staff. This is the second time RMA sponsored a mental health program for Hubbard school, and it was an exciting opportunity to bring the pups to the children to help them understand mental wellness in an age-appropriate manner.
The RMA also participated in Mental Health Awareness Month by shining their lights and wearing green to support the Ramsey Stigma Free initiative on May 6th. It was a day where each of us could take the time to talk to someone about mental health to help break the stigma.
Finally, starting in April we have been working with the Ramsey Police Department and Ramsey school guidance to offer lunches with an officer to students who could benefit emotionally from the extra support. Meals were generously donated by Chic-Fil-A.