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Volunteer of the Year 2021!


The Ramsey Municipal Alliance has always had a long wish list of items to accomplish, one of those was fundraising. This was an especially tough one for everyone, and our reach was shortened. We were looking a head to a year where we would be needed more than previously. We needed to get to the point where we could deliver meaningful content to the community, and hit the ground running doing it. Jennifer Iorio took the lead on fundraising. With Supply Chain issues, and cost constraints, she had no idea the size of the job. Choosing products for our fundraiser was a chore in itself. After all of this…we settled on trendy Ramsey T’s and had a successful fundraiser, raising over $1200 to date in profit. One of our most attended events was our last. Community leaders from all over and local business were promoting it, and over 100 people attended from Ramsey and surrounding communities. The presentation by Matt Bellace was powerful and made an impact on the audience. We could not have brought someone of this caliper in without the efforts of Jennifer. She has more than earned Volunteer of the year for 2021, and we could not be prouder to have her on our Team. Jennifer is enthusiastic, energetic, determined, patient, and has great ideas. We hope she stays with us for a long time.

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